Curriculum Structure
Subjects (86 credits): Required (40 credits) Compulsory Specialized (39 credits) Electives (7 credits)
  1. Required Foundation Courses (40 credits)
    Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, Astronomy, Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science, Computer, Design and Technology, Thai Language, English, , Social Studies, Religion and Culture, Art, and Health and Physical Education
  2. Compulsory Specialized Courses (39 credits)
    Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Creativity and Innovation, Science Project, Science Seminar, Fundamental Engineering, English and Foreign language; and Computer
  3. Electives (7 credits)
    Students are required to complete a total of 7 credits from the two main categories of elective courses.
General Elective Category (4 credits)
Students choose and enroll in courses available in all subject areas as well as courses in Advanced Placement Program (AP) in Mathematics and Science in accordance with their aptitudes, interests and academic potential.
Integrated Elective Category (3 credits)
Students choose and enroll in courses available in any subjects offered which correspond with their interests.
Available Elective Courses
Mathematics Group:
Logic and Proofs, Problem Solving in Number Theory 1 & 2, Problem Solving in Algebra 1&2, Problem Solving in Geometry 1&2, Problem Solving in Combinatorics 1&2, Problem Solving in Inequalities and Functional Equations, Advanced Calculus (AP), Discrete Geometry, Graph Theory, Elementary Differential Equations, Statistics for Basic Research, Introduction to Numerical Analysis.
Sciences Group:
Biology 1(AP), Biology 2 (AP), Molecular Genetics, Planktology, , Invertebrate Zoology, Vertebrate Zoology, Entomology, Plant Physiology, Advanced Animal Anatomy, Brain Science, Environmental Physiology, Environmental Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics Engineering and Genetic Technology, Orchid Production Technology, Food Science, Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Botany, Basic Technique for Biology Research, Aquatic Biology Research, Special Problem in Biology
General Chemistry Laboratory 1&2 (AP), Advanced Organic Chemistry 1&2, Natural Products, Nanotechnology, Instrumental Analysis 1, Biochemistry, Basic Techniques in Chemistry, Introduction to Quantum Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Analysis by Titration Methods, An Introduction to the History of Science
Fundamentals of Astronomy Laboratory, Advanced Astronomy, Advanced Astronomy Laboratory, General Physics I & II (AP), Mathematics for Physics, Classical Mechanics, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Introduction to Electronics, Solar Energy Technology, Application of Electromagnetism
Career and Technology
C Programming Language, Data Structures, Introduction to Computer Algorithms, Introduction to Databases Systems, Web Programming, Visual Programming 1&2, Computer Aided Design Manufacturing, Mechatronics
Others: Thai Language, Social Studies, Religions and Culture, Foreign Languages, Arts, Health and Physical Education
Curriculum Structure
1.) Required Foundation Courses
1) Mathematics 6.5
2) Sciences
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Earth Science
  • Astronomy
  • Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science
3) Thai Language 6.0
4) Foreign Languages
  • English
5) Career and Technology
  • Computer
  • Design and Technology
6) Social Studies, Religions and Culture 8.0
7) Arts 3.0
8) Health and Physical Education 3.0
2.) Compulsory Specialized Courses
1) Mathematics 5.5
2) Sciences
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Science Seminar
  • Science Project
  • Fundamental Engineering


3) Foreign Languages
  • English
  • Second Foreing Language
4) Career and Technology
  • Computer
3.) Elective Courses
1) General Elective
Students choose and enroll in courses available in all subject areas as well as in courses in Advanced Placement Program (AP) in Mathematics and Science in accordance with their aptitudes, interests and academic potential.
2) Integrated Elective
Students choose and enroll in courses available in any subjects offered which correspond with their interests.
Requirements for Extra-Curricular Activities
Type of ActivityMinimum Requirements
of Participation
1) Morality and Ethics Activities
  • 1.1 Development of Morality and Ethics
  • 1.2 Home Room Activities
40 hours
at least 80 % of school days
2) Learning Activities
  • 2.1 Special Lectures: Mathematics, Science and Technology
  • 2.2 Special Lectures: Social Studies, Languages, Religions, Arts, Music and Personality
  • 2.3 Field Study Visits: Mathematics, Science and Technology
  • 2.4 Field Study Visits: Social Studies, Languages, Religions, Arts, and Archaeology
  • 2.5 Academic Camp

  • 2.6 Reading from the school’s list of selected books
  • 2.7 Club Activities (at least 6 academic clubs)

8 lectures

8 lectures

8 lectures

3 lectures

1 lectures

50 titles

12 clubs

3) Community Service Activities
  • 3.1 Community service and public awareness
80 hours
4) Thai Identity and Civics Activities
  • 4.1 National Pride, Patriotism, and Democracy
  • 4.2 Thai Dance and Thai Music Activities
40 hours
one each
5) Health and Physical Education Activities
  • 5.1 Sport Activities
at least 240 times with minimum of 45 minutes each time